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ADAJ150 For pools up to 150,000 litres
The AquaJoy Auto Deluxe salt water chlorinator is built to last and has been constructed the same way for 30 years. This Power Pack is ideal for Fibreglass and Vinyl lined pools with low calcium levels. The Auto Deluxe model incorporates a 24hr timer and is ideal for automation of the filtration pump & chlorinator to operate at the times that you set. This unit can replace many alternate brands if their power pack has failed, utilising the existing non self cleaning electrode.
Available in Three sizes.
ADAJ60 - for pools up to 45,000 litres.
ADAJ90 - for pools up to 90,000 litres.
ADAJ150 - for pools up to 150,000 litres.
(Please Note: 1 Year Warranty on unit for commercial installations)